Intervention & installation with video projection, mixed media
Our collective of 4 members inhabited a little octagonal hut in the center of a park for a collaborative exhibition. For 3 days, we brought materials in and treated the roundhouse as a creative space to make artwork in. On the final day we exhibited a video of our experiences and each of us produced an individual piece along with the collaborative ones.
During the live-in we created a fishbowl of prompt ideas, and every hour we would draw one to use as inspiration. The ideas included drawing exercises, interacting with people in the park, or collecting natural materials from the park itself and creating something with it.
Throughout the experience I recorded our conversations, and at the end of each day I'd note down the phrases that stood out or thoughts we repeated. I collected them into a Roundhouse booklet: a glimpse inside our heads with ongoing thoughts narrating our experience.
Collaboratively we presented the fishbowl of ideas, a printed version of our Facebook conversations while planning the project, a video filmed throughout the occupation, and we lined the inside of the hut with fake grass. During the occupation, being inside a hut surrounded by windows felt as if we were actually outside in the grass. We treated the brown bench inside as the dirt that would grow grass, and with the addition of fake grass we brought the feeling of outside indoors. for the exhibition.